Emux | 1941 | 1941 - Counter Attack | 5792300 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_1941,gmode: | |
Emux | 1942 | 1942 | 615340 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_1942,gmode: | |
Emux | 1943 | 1943 - The Battle Of Midway | 2537970 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_1943,gmode: | |
Emux | 1944 | 1944: The Loop Master | 3915590 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_1944,gmode: | |
Emux | 1945kiii | 1945k III | 8091900 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_1945kiii,gmode: | |
Emux | 19xx | 19XX: The War Against Destiny | 7097900 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_19xx,gmode: | |
Emux | 3wonders | Three Wonders {Dont Pull} | 2834920 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_3wonders,gmode:3 | |
Emux | 64street | 64th. Street - A Detective Story | 1887651 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_64street,gmode: | |
Emux | 88games | 88 Games | 262540 | MCK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_88games,gmode: | |
Emux | abcop | A.B. Cop | 47268390 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_abcop,gmode: | |
Emux | aburner2 | After Burner II | 4719430 | SAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aburner2,gmode: | |
Emux | acrobatm | Acrobat Mission | 438600 | JNE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_acrobatm,gmode: | |
Emux | actfancr | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon | 3892190 | 001 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_actfancr,gmode: | |
Emux | actionhw | Action Hollywood | 6253100 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_actionhw,gmode: | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw6QuB11zH8 |
Emux | aerofgt | Aero Fighters | 1116300 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aerofgt,gmode: | |
Emux | agallet | Air Gallet | 3093810 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_agallet,gmode: | |
Emux | agress | Agress | 40700 | VTK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_agress,gmode: | |
Emux | airattck | Air Attack | 1804800 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_airattck,gmode: | |
Emux | airbustr | Air Buster | 1112140 | JON | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_airbustr,gmode: | |
Emux | airduel | Air Duel | 379200 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_airduel,gmode: | |
Emux | airwolf | Airwolf | 144610 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_airwolf,gmode: | |
Emux | ajax | Ajax | 365100 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ajax,gmode: | |
Emux | alexkidd | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars | 53210 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_alexkidd,gmode: | |
Emux | alien3 | Alien 3: The Gun | 10251000 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_alien3,gmode: | |
Emux | aliens | Aliens | 989500 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aliens,gmode: | |
Emux | aliensec | Alien Sector | 20840 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aliensec,gmode: | |
Emux | aliensyn | Alien Syndrome | 1044800 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aliensyn,gmode: | |
Emux | aligatun | Alligator Hunt | 1509200 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aligatun,gmode: | |
Emux | alpham2 | Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian | 736100 | DNS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_alpham2,gmode: | |
Emux | altbeast | Altered Beast | 569900 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_altbeast,gmode: | |
Emux | amazon | Soldier Girl Amazon | 517600 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_amazon,gmode: | |
Emux | amidar | Amidar | 10000020 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_amidar,gmode: | |
Emux | androdun | Andro Dunos | 1703950 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_androdun,gmode: | |
Emux | angelkds | Angel Kids | 974840 | JAR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_angelkds,gmode: | |
Emux | anteater | Anteater | 149390 | YAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_anteater,gmode: | |
Emux | aof2 | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 | 81690 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aof2,gmode: | |
Emux | aof3 | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior | 4629131 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aof3,gmode: | |
Emux | apb | APB - All Points Bulletin | 19935 | CAX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_apb,gmode: | |
Emux | aquajack | Aqua Jack | 222800 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aquajack,gmode: | |
Emux | aquarium | Aquarium | 556450 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aquarium,gmode: | |
Emux | ar_ninj | Ninja Mission | 162154 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ar_ninj,gmode: | |
Emux | arabian | Arabian | 127300 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arabian,gmode: | |
Emux | arabianm | Arabian Magic | 7911 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arabianm,gmode: | |
Emux | arbalest | Arbalester | 2849000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arbalest,gmode: | |
Emux | area51 | Area 51 | 195375 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_area51,gmode: | |
Emux | arkanoid | Arkanoid | 388000 | LAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arkanoid,gmode: | |
Emux | arkarea | Ark Area | 2291500 | POW | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arkarea,gmode: | |
Emux | arkatour | Tournament Arkanoid | 295250 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arkatour,gmode: | |
Emux | arknoid2 | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH | 638790 | DAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arknoid2,gmode: | |
Emux | arkretrn | Arkanoid Returns | 197390 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_arkretrn,gmode: | |
Emux | armedf | Armed Formation | 470000 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_armedf,gmode: | |
Emux | armwaru | Armored Warriors | 1558700 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_armwaru,gmode: | |
Emux | ashura | Ashura Blaster | 1608100 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ashura,gmode: | |
Emux | aso | ASO - Armored Scrum Object | 239470 | WAR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aso,gmode: | |
Emux | astdelux | Asteroids Deluxe | 46720 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astdelux,gmode: | |
Emux | asterix | Asterix | 129500 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_asterix,gmode: | |
Emux | asteroid | Asteroids | 85590 | KON | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_asteroid,gmode: | |
Emux | astinvad | Astro Invader | 109720 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astinvad,gmode: | |
Emux | astorm3 | Alien Storm | 886 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astorm3,gmode: | |
Emux | astrob | Astro Blaster | 49220 | DIO | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astrob,gmode: | |
Emux | astrof | Astro Fighter | 25900 | PH7 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astrof,gmode: | |
Emux | astyanax | The Astyanax | 244000 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_astyanax,gmode: | |
Emux | asuka | Asuka & Asuka | 277100 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_asuka,gmode: | |
Emux | asurabld | Asura Blades - Sword of Dynasty | 838300 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_asurabld,gmode: | |
Emux | atetris | Tetris (Atari) {easy} | 241459 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_atetris,gmode:1 | |
Emux | atomicp | Atomic Point | 168401 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_atomicp,gmode: | |
Emux | aurail | Aurail | 252730 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_aurail,gmode: | |
Emux | avengers | Avengers | 109950 | SUD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_avengers,gmode: | |
Emux | avsp | Alien vs. Predator | 9999990 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_avsp,gmode: | |
Emux | avspirit | Avenging Spirit | 10050400 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_avspirit,gmode: | |
Emux | baddudes | Bad Dudes VS Dragonninja | 999999 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_baddudes,gmode: | |
Emux | badlands | Bad Lands | 28820 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_badlands,gmode: | |
Emux | bagman | Bagman | 139370 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bagman,gmode: | |
Emux | bakubaku | Baku Baku Animal {hard} | 103198 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bakubaku,gmode:3 | |
Emux | balcube | Bal Cube | 879280 | RGX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_balcube,gmode: | |
Emux | ballbros | Balloon Brothers | 324110 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ballbros,gmode: | |
Emux | baluba | Baluba-louk no Densetsu | 1993320 | FIG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_baluba,gmode: | |
Emux | bang | Bang! {expert} | 88750 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bang,gmode:3 | |
Emux | bangball | Bang Bang Ball | 2735090 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bangball,gmode: | |
Emux | bankp | Bank Panic | 2883600 | SON | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bankp,gmode: | |
Emux | barrier | Barrier | 498 | MAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_barrier,gmode: | |
Emux | batcir | Battle Circuit | 3653600 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_batcir,gmode: | |
Emux | batlball | Battle Balls {solo} | 1188560 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_batlball,gmode:1 | |
Emux | batman | Batman | 289622 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_batman,gmode: | |
Emux | batrider | Armed Police Batrider {normal} | 3402340 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_batrider,gmode:2 | |
Emux | batsugun | Batsugun | 2284440 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_batsugun,gmode: | |
Emux | battlera | Battle Rangers | 295300 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_battlera,gmode: | |
Emux | battlnts | Battlantis | 352020 | HOG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_battlnts,gmode: | |
Emux | bayroute | Bay Route | 367750 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bayroute,gmode: | |
Emux | bbakraid | Battle Bakraid {normal} | 6514550 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bbakraid,gmode:2 | |
Emux | bballs | Bouncing Balls | 24100 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bballs,gmode: | |
Emux | bbmanw | Bomber Man World | 1620500 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bbmanw,gmode: | |
Emux | bchopper | Battle Chopper | 258120 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bchopper,gmode: | |
Emux | bcruzm12 | Battle Cruiser M-12 | 328210 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bcruzm12,gmode: | |
Emux | bermudat | Bermuda Triangle | 372510 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bermudat,gmode: | |
Emux | berzerk | Berzerk | 21190 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_berzerk,gmode: | |
Emux | bgaregcn | Battle Garegga | 3500190 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bgaregcn,gmode: | |
Emux | bigfight | Big Fight - Big Trouble In The Atlantic Ocean | 558250 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bigfight,gmode: | |
Emux | bigkarnk | Big Karnak | 222850 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bigkarnk,gmode: | |
Emux | bigrun | Big Run (11th rallye version) | 1068800 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bigrun,gmode: | |
Emux | bigtwin | Big Twin {beginner} | 36525 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bigtwin,gmode:1 | |
Emux | biomtoy | Biomechanical Toy | 13213210 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_biomtoy,gmode: | |
Emux | bionicc | Bionic Commando | 2301530 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bionicc,gmode: | |
Emux | bioship | Bio-ship Paladin | 276400 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bioship,gmode: | |
Emux | bjourney | Blues Journey / Raguy | 177850 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bjourney,gmode: | |
Emux | bjtwin | Bombjack Twin | 1293630 | LIB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bjtwin,gmode: | |
Emux | blastoff | Blast Off | 743850 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blastoff,gmode: | |
Emux | blazeon | Blaze On | 751900 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blazeon,gmode: | |
Emux | blazstar | Blazing Star | 11165940 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blazstar,gmode: | |
Emux | blkheart | Black Heart | 605900 | ORA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blkheart,gmode: | |
Emux | blkpnthr | Black Panther | 75490 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blkpnthr,gmode: | |
Emux | blktiger | Black Tiger | 1388450 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blktiger,gmode: | |
Emux | blmbycar | Blomby Car | 13562 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blmbycar,gmode: | |
Emux | block | Block Block | 157800 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_block,gmode: | |
Emux | blockout | Block Out | 205206 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blockout,gmode: | |
Emux | bloodbro | Blood Bros. | 43083780 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bloodbro,gmode: | |
Emux | bloxeedc | Bloxeed | 499992 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bloxeedc,gmode: | |
Emux | blswhstl | Bells & Whistles | 1349300 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blswhstl,gmode: | |
Emux | bluehawk | Blue Hawk | 1997300 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bluehawk,gmode: | |
Emux | blueprnt | Blue Print | 106350 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_blueprnt,gmode: | |
Emux | bmaster | Blade Master | 1179600 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bmaster,gmode: | |
Emux | bogeyman | Bogey Manor | 5359940 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bogeyman,gmode: | |
Emux | boggy84 | Boggy 84 | 134500 | CAX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_boggy84,gmode: | |
Emux | bombjack | Bomb Jack | 1612660 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bombjack,gmode: | |
Emux | bombrman | Bomberman | 850700 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bombrman,gmode: | |
Emux | borench | Borench {Round:6} | 1215994 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_borench,gmode:3 | |
Emux | bosco | Bosconian | 363970 | FAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bosco,gmode: | |
Emux | botanic | Botanic | 56200 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_botanic,gmode: | |
Emux | bouldash | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 | 354660 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bouldash,gmode: | |
Emux | brdrlinb | Borderline | 32680 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_brdrlinb,gmode: | |
Emux | breakers | Breakers | 12745400 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_breakers,gmode: | |
Emux | breakrev | Breakers Revenge | 18341100 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_breakrev,gmode: | |
Emux | brkthru | Break Thru | 424600 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_brkthru,gmode: | |
Emux | brubber | Burnin Rubber | 370980 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_brubber,gmode: | |
Emux | btime | Burger Time | 145850 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_btime,gmode: | |
Emux | btlecity | Vs. Battle City | 284600 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_btlecity,gmode: | |
Emux | bubblem | Bubble Memories - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 3 | 11800880 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bubblem,gmode: | |
Emux | bubl2000 | Bubble 2000 | 1585300 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bubl2000,gmode: | |
Emux | bublbob2 | Bubble Bobble 2 | 4471300 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bublbob2,gmode: | |
Emux | bublbobl | Bubble Bobble | 3105740 | TEB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bublbobl,gmode: | |
Emux | bucky | Bucky OHare | 117200 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bucky,gmode: | |
Emux | burglarx | Burglar X | 767066 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_burglarx,gmode: | |
Emux | burningf | Burning Fight | 186950 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_burningf,gmode: | |
Emux | bwings | B-Wings | 122190 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bwings,gmode: | |
Emux | bzone | Battle Zone | 237000 | TBW | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_bzone,gmode: | |
Emux | cabal | Cabal | 3524050 | ACR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cabal,gmode: | |
Emux | cachat | Cachat | 103540 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cachat,gmode: | |
Emux | cadash | Cadash | 45490 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cadash,gmode: | |
Emux | cameltry | Camel Try {special} | 494720 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cameltry,gmode:4 | |
Emux | cannball | Cannon Ball | 108450 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cannball,gmode: | |
Emux | captaven | Captain America and The Avengers | 812102 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_captaven,gmode: | |
Emux | captcomm | Captain Commando | 118960 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_captcomm,gmode: | |
Emux | carnival | Carnival | 42170 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_carnival,gmode: | |
Emux | cawing | Carrier Air Wing | 1888650 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cawing,gmode: | |
Emux | cbuster | Crude Buster | 220270 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cbuster,gmode: | |
Emux | ccastles | Crystal Castles | 164496 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ccastles,gmode: | |
Emux | cclimber | Crazy Climber | 152200 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cclimber,gmode: | |
Emux | centiped | Centipede | 154778 | DAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_centiped,gmode: | |
Emux | cgangpzl | Cosmo Gang the Puzzle | 3302281 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cgangpzl,gmode: | |
Emux | chainrec | Chain Reaction {solo} | 10604 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chainrec,gmode:1 | |
Emux | champwr | Champion Wrestler | 26399000 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_champwr,gmode: | |
Emux | changes | Changes | 155930 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_changes,gmode: | |
Emux | charlien | Charlie Ninja | 471400 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_charlien,gmode: | |
Emux | chasehq | Chase HQ | 10685110 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chasehq,gmode: | |
Emux | checkman | Check Man | 340450 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_checkman,gmode: | |
Emux | chelnovu | Chelnov - Atomic Runner | 315950 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chelnovu,gmode: | |
Emux | cheyenne | Cheyenne | 7004550 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cheyenne,gmode: | |
Emux | chiller | Chiller | 20259160 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chiller,gmode: | |
Emux | chimerab | Chimera Beast | 30317000 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chimerab,gmode: | |
Emux | chinagat | China Gate | 119230 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chinagat,gmode: | |
Emux | chopper | Chopper I | 589600 | JNE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chopper,gmode: | |
Emux | chplftbl | Choplifter | 2019550 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_chplftbl,gmode: | |
Emux | circusc | Circus Charlie | 840030 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_circusc,gmode: | |
Emux | cischeat | Cisco Heat | 426070 | ERI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cischeat,gmode: | |
Emux | citybomb | City Bomber | 1279945 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_citybomb,gmode: | |
Emux | citycon | City Connection | 637900 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_citycon,gmode: | |
Emux | ckong | Crazy Kong | 576300 | PH7 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ckong,gmode: | |
Emux | cleopatr | Cleopatra Fortune {level 1} | 12239170 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cleopatr,gmode:1 | |
Emux | cninja | Caveman Ninja | 889900 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cninja,gmode: | |
Emux | cobracom | Cobra-Command | 750540 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cobracom,gmode: | |
Emux | columns | Columns | 182228508 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_columns,gmode: | |
Emux | columns2 | Columns II - The Voyage Through Time | 26461 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_columns2,gmode: | |
Emux | combasc | Combat School | 379110 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_combasc,gmode: | |
Emux | combat | Combat | 717700 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_combat,gmode: | |
Emux | commando | Commando | 1253200 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_commando,gmode: | |
Emux | congo | Congo Bongo | 64050 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_congo,gmode: | |
Emux | contcirc | Continental Circus | 5321350 | BAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_contcirc,gmode: | |
Emux | contra | Contra | 5614000 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_contra,gmode: | |
Emux | cop01 | Cop 01 | 149900 | YAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cop01,gmode: | |
Emux | cosmccop | Cosmic Cop | 338180 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cosmccop,gmode: | |
Emux | cosmica | Cosmic Alien | 843090 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cosmica,gmode: | |
Emux | cosmicg | Cosmic Guerilla | 19230 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cosmicg,gmode: | |
Emux | cosmogng | Cosmo Gang The Video | 14040090 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cosmogng,gmode: | |
Emux | cotton | Cotton | 833910 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cotton,gmode: | |
Emux | cotton2 | Cotton 2 | 1237100 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cotton2,gmode: | |
Emux | cottonbm | Cotton Boomerang | 1493000 | WAR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cottonbm,gmode: | |
Emux | cracksht | Crackshot | 307560 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cracksht,gmode: | |
Emux | crash | Crash | 351050 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crash,gmode: | |
Emux | crazyblk | Crazy Block | 308000 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crazyblk,gmode: | |
Emux | crimec | Crime City | 1413650 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crimec,gmode: | |
Emux | crimfgt2 | Crime Fighters | 345 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crimfgt2,gmode: | |
Emux | crospang | Cross Pang {easy} | 56154 | AI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crospang,gmode:1 | |
Emux | crossbow | Crossbow | 1929000 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crossbow,gmode: | |
Emux | crshrace | Lethal Crash Race | 462400 | ERI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crshrace,gmode: | |
Emux | crsword | Crossed Swords | 3063 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crsword,gmode: | |
Emux | crush | Crush Roller | 1036760 | JSJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crush,gmode: | |
Emux | crysking | The Crystal of Kings | 478700 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crysking,gmode: | |
Emux | crzrally | Crazy Rally | 111829 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_crzrally,gmode: | |
Emux | csilver | Captain Silver | 142320 | SID | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_csilver,gmode: | |
Emux | ctomaday | Captain Tomaday | 2564890 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ctomaday,gmode: | |
Emux | ctribe | The Combatribes | 1812 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ctribe,gmode: | |
Emux | cuebrick | Cue Brick | 45770 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cuebrick,gmode: | |
Emux | cybattlr | Cybattler | 514580 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cybattlr,gmode: | |
Emux | cyberlip | Cyber-Lip | 364900 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cyberlip,gmode: | |
Emux | cyvern | Cyvern | 4782780 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_cyvern,gmode: | |
Emux | daioh | Daioh | 1939420 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_daioh,gmode: | |
Emux | daitorid | Daitoride {standard} | 477140 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_daitorid,gmode:2 | |
Emux | dangseed | Dangerous Seed | 3503350 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dangseed,gmode: | |
Emux | daraku | Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels | 123000 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_daraku,gmode: | |
Emux | darius | Darius | 2061150 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_darius,gmode: | |
Emux | dariusg | Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk | 2688760 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dariusg,gmode: | |
Emux | darkseal | Dark Seal | 1006750 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_darkseal,gmode: | |
Emux | darktowr | Dark Tower | 3494100 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_darktowr,gmode: | |
Emux | darwin | Darwin 4078 | 265910 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_darwin,gmode: | |
Emux | dblpoint | Double Point | 34100 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dblpoint,gmode: | |
Emux | dbreed | Dragon Breed | 2921100 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dbreed,gmode: | |
Emux | dcon | D-Con | 518400 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dcon,gmode: | |
Emux | ddcrew | D.D. Crew | 351 | PAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddcrew,gmode: | |
Emux | ddonpach | DoDonPachi | 42165040 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddonpach,gmode: | |
Emux | ddrago3j | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone | 238 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddrago3j,gmode: | |
Emux | ddragon2 | Double Dragon II - The Revenge | 186130 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddragon2,gmode: | |
Emux | ddragonu | Double Dragon | 185140 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddragonu,gmode: | |
Emux | ddsom | D&D: Shadow Over Mystara | 205500 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddsom,gmode: | |
Emux | ddtod | D&D: Tower Of Doom | 87465 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddtod,gmode: | |
Emux | ddungeon | Dangerous Dungeons | 367800 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddungeon,gmode: | |
Emux | ddux | Dynamite Dux | 472250 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ddux,gmode: | |
Emux | deadang | Dead Angle | 111250 | ROM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_deadang,gmode: | |
Emux | deadconx | Dead Connection | 68270 | BAC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_deadconx,gmode: | |
Emux | defender | Defender | 81875 | PIN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_defender,gmode: | |
Emux | demonwld | Demons World / Horror Story | 393100 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_demonwld,gmode: | |
Emux | depthch | Depthcharge | 4400 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_depthch,gmode: | |
Emux | desertwr | Desert War {beginner} | 2731300 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_desertwr,gmode:1 | |
Emux | devilw | Devil World | 4070000 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_devilw,gmode: | |
Emux | devstors | Devastators | 981 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_devstors,gmode: | |
Emux | dfeveron | Dangun Feveron | 1192987 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dfeveron,gmode: | |
Emux | dharma | Dharma Doujou | 295130 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dharma,gmode: | |
Emux | diamond | Diamond Run | 1182230 | PYR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_diamond,gmode: | |
Emux | dietgo | Diet Go Go | 3169700 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dietgo,gmode: | |
Emux | digdug | Dig Dug | 590840 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_digdug,gmode: | |
Emux | digdug2 | Dig Dug II | 263400 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_digdug2,gmode: | |
Emux | diggerc | Digger (CVS) | 212240 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_diggerc,gmode: | |
Emux | dimahoo | Dimahoo | 3007930 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dimahoo,gmode: | |
Emux | dino | Cadillacs And Dinosaurs | 3286000 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dino,gmode: | |
Emux | dinorex | Dino Rex | 1075300 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dinorex,gmode: | |
Emux | djboy | DJ Boy | 161800 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_djboy,gmode: | |
Emux | dkong | Donkey Kong | 486400 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dkong,gmode: | |
Emux | dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 | 489800 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dkong3,gmode: | |
Emux | dkongjr | Donkey Kong Junior | 142000 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dkongjr,gmode: | |
Emux | docastle | Mr. Dos Castle | 120360 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_docastle,gmode: | |
Emux | dockman | Dock Man | 60990 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dockman,gmode: | https://youtu.be/r32HyMp1JvM |
Emux | dogfgt | Acrobatic Dog-Fight | 915300 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dogfgt,gmode: | |
Emux | dogfight | Dog Fight | 168500 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dogfight,gmode: | |
Emux | dommy | Dommy | 126330 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dommy,gmode: | |
Emux | dondokod | Don Doko Don | 63420 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dondokod,gmode: | |
Emux | donpachi | DonPachi | 12941700 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_donpachi,gmode: | |
Emux | dorunrun | Do! Run Run | 370960 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dorunrun,gmode: | |
Emux | dowild | Mr. Dos Wild Ride | 43494 | JDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dowild,gmode: | |
Emux | dragnblz | Dragon Blaze | 530600 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dragnblz,gmode: | |
Emux | dragngun | Dragon Gun | 1536626 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dragngun,gmode: | |
Emux | drgnbstr | Dragon Buster | 217010 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drgnbstr,gmode: | |
Emux | drgnmst | Dragon Master | 802400 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drgnmst,gmode: | |
Emux | drgpunch | Dragon Punch | 630 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drgpunch,gmode: | |
Emux | driftout | Drift Out | 154000 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_driftout,gmode: | |
Emux | drmario | Vs. Dr. Mario {high} | 255000 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drmario,gmode:2 | |
Emux | drmicro | Dr. Micro | 299620 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drmicro,gmode: | |
Emux | drtoppel | Dr. Toppels Adventure | 231020 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_drtoppel,gmode: | |
Emux | dsaber | Dragon Saber | 147970 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dsaber,gmode: | |
Emux | dspirit | Dragon Spirit | 332530 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dspirit,gmode: | |
Emux | dstlk | Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors | 679200 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dstlk,gmode: | |
Emux | duckhunt | Vs. Duck Hunt | 117400 | CHZ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_duckhunt,gmode: | |
Emux | dungeonm | Dungeon Magic | 2152480 | HOX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dungeonm,gmode: | |
Emux | dynagear | Dyna Gears | 356040 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dynagear,gmode: | |
Emux | dynduke | Dynamite Duke | 430800 | LMA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dynduke,gmode: | |
Emux | dynwar | Dynasty Wars | 222600 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_dynwar,gmode: | |
Emux | ecofghtr | Eco Fighters | 531300 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ecofghtr,gmode: | |
Emux | edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force | 719600 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_edf,gmode: | |
Emux | egghunt | Egg Hunt | 335700 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_egghunt,gmode: | |
Emux | eggor | Eggor | 629650 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eggor,gmode: | |
Emux | eightfrc | Eight Forces | 4328530 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eightfrc,gmode: | |
Emux | eightman | Eight Man | 206200 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eightman,gmode: | |
Emux | elevator | Elevator Action | 99850 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_elevator,gmode: | |
Emux | elvactr | Elevator Action Returns | 563600 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_elvactr,gmode: | |
Emux | emeralda | Emeraldia {level:40} | 5226574 | KEC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_emeralda,gmode:3 | |
Emux | empcity | Empire City: 1931 | 198650 | DRG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_empcity,gmode: | |
Emux | endurobl | Enduro Racer | 1680104 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_endurobl,gmode: | |
Emux | enforce | Enforce | 853900 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_enforce,gmode: | |
Emux | eprom | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters | 337700 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eprom,gmode: | |
Emux | ertictac | Erotictac/Tactic {phase:15} | 92680 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ertictac,gmode:3 | |
Emux | esprade | ESP Ra.De. | 5960200 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_esprade,gmode: | |
Emux | eswatbl | E-Swat | 2493100 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eswatbl,gmode: | |
Emux | eto | Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari | 36170 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eto,gmode: | |
Emux | evilston | Evil Stone | 649700 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_evilston,gmode: | |
Emux | excelsr | Excelsior | 167120 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_excelsr,gmode: | |
Emux | excitebk | Vs. Excitebike {intermediate} | 241535 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_excitebk,gmode:2 | |
Emux | exctsccr | Exciting Soccer | 118650 | KAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_exctsccr,gmode: | |
Emux | exedexes | Exed Exes | 920100 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_exedexes,gmode: | |
Emux | exerion | Exerion | 963700 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_exerion,gmode: | |
Emux | exprraid | Express Raider | 995950 | EBA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_exprraid,gmode: | |
Emux | exzisus | Exzisus | 1323640 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_exzisus,gmode: | |
Emux | eyes | Eyes | 421320 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_eyes,gmode: | |
Emux | f1gpstar | Grand Prix Star {germany} | 473941 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_f1gpstar,gmode:1 | |
Emux | fantasia | Fantasia | 794600 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fantasia,gmode: | |
Emux | fantsy95 | Fantasy 95 | 1278200 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fantsy95,gmode: | |
Emux | fantzone | Fantasy Zone | 239300 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fantzone,gmode: | |
Emux | fastlane | Fast Lane | 298700 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fastlane,gmode: | |
Emux | fatfursp | Fatal Fury Special | 363100 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fatfursp,gmode: | |
Emux | fatfury1 | Fatal Fury - King of Fighters | 228700 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fatfury1,gmode: | |
Emux | fatfury2 | Fatal Fury 2 | 466400 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fatfury2,gmode: | |
Emux | fatfury3 | Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory | 573900 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fatfury3,gmode: | |
Emux | fax | Fax | 85300 | VLK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fax,gmode: | |
Emux | ffight | Final Fight | 4150310 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ffight,gmode: | |
Emux | fhawk | Fighting Hawk | 1622850 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fhawk,gmode: | |
Emux | fightfev | Fight Fever | 439300 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fightfev,gmode: | |
Emux | finalizr | Finalizer - Super Transformation | 957700 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_finalizr,gmode: | |
Emux | fireshrk | Fire Shark | 776730 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fireshrk,gmode: | |
Emux | fishfren | Fishin Frenzy | 3958100 | KDR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fishfren,gmode: | |
Emux | fixeighb | FixEight | 687360 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fixeighb,gmode: | |
Emux | flashgal | Flashgal | 1008000 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_flashgal,gmode: | |
Emux | flicky | Flicky (128k Ver.) | 806760 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_flicky,gmode: | |
Emux | flipshot | Battle Flip Shot | 322940 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_flipshot,gmode: | |
Emux | flstory | The FairyLand Story | 525080 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_flstory,gmode: | |
Emux | flyboy | Fly-Boy | 212620 | ORA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_flyboy,gmode: | |
Emux | forgottn | Forgotten Worlds | 2957200 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_forgottn,gmode: | |
Emux | formatz | Formation Z | 268700 | KOS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_formatz,gmode: | |
Emux | fpoint | Flash Point {regular} | 152881 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fpoint,gmode:1 | |
Emux | frogger | Frogger | 118680 | MOD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_frogger,gmode: | |
Emux | fround | The Final Round | 1329600 | RGX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fround,gmode: | |
Emux | fshark | Flying Shark | 1676400 | KOS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fshark,gmode: | |
Emux | fstarfrc | Final Star Force | 908740 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_fstarfrc,gmode: | |
Emux | funkyjet | Funky Jet {random} | 1404500 | BOH | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_funkyjet,gmode:2 | |
Emux | funnymou | Funny Mouse | 67700 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_funnymou,gmode: | |
Emux | funybubl | Funny Bubble {level} | 612980 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_funybubl,gmode:1 | |
Emux | ga2 | Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder | 962 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ga2,gmode: | |
Emux | gaia | Gaia Crusaders | 1424000 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gaia,gmode: | |
Emux | gaiden | Ninja Gaiden | 285900 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gaiden,gmode: | |
Emux | galaga | Galaga | 1100520 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galaga,gmode: | |
Emux | galaga88 | Galaga 88 | 530190 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galaga88,gmode: | |
Emux | galaxian | Galaxian | 365710 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galaxian,gmode: | |
Emux | galaxygn | Galaxy Gunners | 136260 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galaxygn,gmode: | |
Emux | galivan | Galivan - Cosmo Police | 10021600 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galivan,gmode: | |
Emux | galxwars | Galaxy Wars | 74050 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_galxwars,gmode: | |
Emux | gangwars | Gang Wars | 317210 | PAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gangwars,gmode: | |
Emux | ganryu | Musashi Ganryuuki | 239600 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ganryu,gmode: | |
Emux | gaplus | Gaplus | 468500 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gaplus,gmode: | |
Emux | garoup | Garou - Mark Of The Wolves (prototype) | 1529900 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_garoup,gmode: | |
Emux | gaunt2p | Gauntlet | 64040 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gaunt2p,gmode: | |
Emux | gberet | Green Beret | 569490 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gberet,gmode: | |
Emux | gbusters | Gang Busters | 444800 | BOY | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gbusters,gmode: | |
Emux | gcpinbal | Grand Cross | 1738500 | URI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gcpinbal,gmode: | |
Emux | gekirido | Gekirindan | 1425700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gekirido,gmode: | |
Emux | gemini | Gemini Wing | 857290 | SAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gemini,gmode: | |
Emux | gforce2 | Galaxy Force 2 | 627390 | IVO | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gforce2,gmode: | |
Emux | ghostlop | Ghostlop | 60950 | POL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ghostlop,gmode: | |
Emux | ghouls | Ghoulsn Ghosts | 1318100 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ghouls,gmode: | |
Emux | ghox | Ghox | 258220 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ghox,gmode: | |
Emux | gigandes | Gigandes | 876100 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gigandes,gmode: | |
Emux | gigawing | Giga Wing | 150923 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gigawing,gmode: | |
Emux | gijoe | Gi Joe | 1935 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gijoe,gmode: | |
Emux | gnbarich | Gunbarich | 11055500 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gnbarich,gmode: | |
Emux | gng | Ghostsn Goblins | 1299400 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gng,gmode:1 | |
Emux | gokuparo | Gokujyou Parodius | 609300 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gokuparo,gmode: | |
Emux | goldbug | Gold Bug | 315980 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_goldbug,gmode: | |
Emux | goldnaxe | Golden Axe | 3520 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_goldnaxe,gmode: | |
Emux | gondo | Gondomania | 434950 | PAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gondo,gmode: | |
Emux | goonies | Vs. The Goonies | 169240 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_goonies,gmode: | |
Emux | gorf | Gorf | 27260 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gorf,gmode: | |
Emux | gowcaizr | Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer | 173400 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gowcaizr,gmode: | |
Emux | gpilots | Ghost Pilots | 1685900 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gpilots,gmode: | |
Emux | gratia | Gratia - Second Earth | 1137540 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gratia,gmode: | |
Emux | grdians | Guardians / Denjin Makai II | 936580 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_grdians,gmode: | |
Emux | grdius3e | Gradius III | 367290 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_grdius3e,gmode: | |
Emux | grndtour | Grand Tour | 999999 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_grndtour,gmode: | |
Emux | growl | Growl | 106000 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_growl,gmode: | |
Emux | gseeker | Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer | 479720 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gseeker,gmode: | |
Emux | gsword | Great Swordsman | 293240 | KOS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gsword,gmode: | |
Emux | gtmr2 | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally | 879641 | KNG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gtmr2,gmode: | |
Emux | guardian | Guardians of the Hood | 17250 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_guardian,gmode: | |
Emux | gulfwar2 | Gulf War II | 1309810 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gulfwar2,gmode: | |
Emux | gumbo | Gumbo | 326700 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gumbo,gmode: | |
Emux | gunbird | Gunbird | 585300 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunbird,gmode: | |
Emux | gunbird2 | Gunbird 2 | 575200 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunbird2,gmode: | |
Emux | gunbustr | Gunbuster | 652000 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunbustr,gmode: | |
Emux | gundealr | Gun Dealer | 19320 | POL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gundealr,gmode: | |
Emux | gundhara | Gundhara | 777350 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gundhara,gmode: | |
Emux | gunforc2 | Gunforce 2 | 1307700 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunforc2,gmode: | |
Emux | gunforce | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island | 2582700 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunforce,gmode: | |
Emux | gunfront | Gun & Frontier | 178820 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunfront,gmode: | |
Emux | gunlock | Gunlock | 1186000 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunlock,gmode: | |
Emux | gunnail | GunNail | 2633200 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunnail,gmode: | |
Emux | gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke | 1152050 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gunsmoke,gmode: | |
Emux | gururin | Gururin {puzzle} | 8690 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gururin,gmode:1 | |
Emux | gutsn | Gutsn {master} | 339130 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gutsn,gmode:1 | |
Emux | guwange | Guwange | 3034729 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_guwange,gmode: | |
Emux | guzzler | Guzzler | 146480 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_guzzler,gmode: | |
Emux | gwar | Guerrilla War | 1186300 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gwar,gmode: | |
Emux | gwarrior | Galaxy Warriors | 123400 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gwarrior,gmode: | |
Emux | gyrodine | Gyrodine | 231480 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gyrodine,gmode: | |
Emux | gyruss | Gyruss | 1263650 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_gyruss,gmode: | |
Emux | hachoo | Hachoo! | 708400 | DAQ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hachoo,gmode: | |
Emux | hal21 | Hal21 | 628770 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hal21,gmode: | |
Emux | halleys | Halleys Comet | 3171650 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_halleys,gmode: | |
Emux | hanagumi | Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars | 10826 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hanagumi,gmode: | |
Emux | hangon | Hang-On | 18774040 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hangon,gmode: | |
Emux | hangonjr | Hang-On Jr. | 1657540 | PIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hangonjr,gmode: | |
Emux | hardhead | Hard Head | 698100 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hardhead,gmode: | |
Emux | hasamu | Hasamu | 434120 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hasamu,gmode: | |
Emux | hatris | Hatris | 99902 | CHE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hatris,gmode: | |
Emux | hbarrel | Heavy Barrel | 159200 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hbarrel,gmode: | |
Emux | hcastle | Haunted Castle | 71700 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hcastle,gmode: | |
Emux | headon2 | Head On 2 | 62290 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_headon2,gmode: | |
Emux | heberpop | Hebereke no Popoon | 6730 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_heberpop,gmode: | |
Emux | hellfire | Hellfire | 281100 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hellfire,gmode: | |
Emux | hexa | Hexa | 116592 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hexa,gmode: | |
Emux | hexion | Hexion {normal} | 2612156 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hexion,gmode:1 | |
Emux | hharry | Hammerin Harry | 3930300 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hharry,gmode: | |
Emux | hippodrm | Hippodrome | 290190 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hippodrm,gmode: | |
Emux | hitnmiss | Hit n Miss | 175980 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hitnmiss,gmode: | |
Emux | hogalley | Vs. Hogans Alley | 178500 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hogalley,gmode: | |
Emux | hook | Hook | 22161900 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hook,gmode: | |
Emux | horekid | Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen | 829400 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_horekid,gmode: | |
Emux | hotblock | Hot Blocks - Tetrix II {classic} | 89066 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hotblock,gmode:1 | |
Emux | hotdogst | Hotdog Storm | 10881990 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hotdogst,gmode: | |
Emux | hotrod | Hot Rod | 364069 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hotrod,gmode: | |
Emux | htchctch | Hatch Catch | 1440900 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_htchctch,gmode: | |
Emux | hvymetal | Heavy Metal | 199000 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hvymetal,gmode: | |
Emux | hydra | Hydra | 552255 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hydra,gmode: | |
Emux | hyperpac | Hyper Pacman | 1943650 | PIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hyperpac,gmode: | |
Emux | hyperspt | Hyper Sports | 239550 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_hyperspt,gmode: | |
Emux | iceclimb | Vs. Ice Climber | 152370 | HEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_iceclimb,gmode: | |
Emux | ikari | Ikari Warriors | 310500 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ikari,gmode: | |
Emux | imgfight | Image Fight | 553400 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_imgfight,gmode: | |
Emux | indyheat | Danny Sullivans Indy Heat | 76 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_indyheat,gmode: | |
Emux | indytemp | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 222890 | DRG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_indytemp,gmode: | |
Emux | insectx | Insector X | 854000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_insectx,gmode: | |
Emux | inthunt | In The Hunt | 341500 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_inthunt,gmode: | |
Emux | intrepid | Intrepid | 114590 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_intrepid,gmode: | |
Emux | invaders | Space Invaders | 41850 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_invaders,gmode: | |
Emux | invadpt2 | Space Invaders Part II | 12180 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_invadpt2,gmode: | |
Emux | iqblock | IQ-Block | 556719 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_iqblock,gmode: | |
Emux | ironhors | Iron Horse | 1639600 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ironhors,gmode: | |
Emux | jackal | Jackal | 1941000 | AKI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_jackal,gmode: | |
Emux | jailbrek | Jail Break | 9999900 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_jailbrek,gmode: | |
Emux | jdreddp | Judge Dredd | 14022 | JEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_jdreddp,gmode: | |
Emux | joemacr | Joe & Mac Returns | 1123070 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_joemacr,gmode: | |
Emux | joust | Joust | 1026300 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_joust,gmode: | |
Emux | joust2 | Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest | 65600 | YAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_joust2,gmode: | |
Emux | joyjoy | Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid | 166200 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_joyjoy,gmode: | |
Emux | jrpacman | Jr. Pac-Man | 57320 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_jrpacman,gmode: | |
Emux | jumpbug | Jump Bug | 114920 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_jumpbug,gmode: | |
Emux | junofrst | Juno First | 314470 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_junofrst,gmode: | |
Emux | kabukikl | Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash | 504600 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kabukikl,gmode: | |
Emux | kageki | Kageki | 104 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kageki,gmode: | |
Emux | kaiserkn | Kaiser Knuckle | 623400 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kaiserkn,gmode: | |
Emux | kangaroo | Kangaroo | 164400 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kangaroo,gmode: | |
Emux | karatblz | Karate Blazers | 50930 | PAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_karatblz,gmode: | |
Emux | karatour | The Karate Tournament {whiteBelt} | 345400 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_karatour,gmode:1 | |
Emux | karianx | Karian Cross | 227440 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_karianx,gmode: | |
Emux | karnov | Karnov | 999999 | DRG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_karnov,gmode: | https://view.vzaar.com/21478139/player |
Emux | kbash | Knuckle Bash {story} | 763400 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kbash,gmode:1 | |
Emux | kchamp | Karate Champ | 100900 | BFG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kchamp,gmode: | |
Emux | kchampvs | Karate Champ (VS version) | 248500 | SAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kchampvs,gmode: | |
Emux | kick | Kick | 24880 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kick,gmode: | |
Emux | kicker | Kicker | 12619700 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kicker,gmode: | |
Emux | kikcubic | Meikyu Jima | 2388800 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kikcubic,gmode: | |
Emux | kikikai | KiKi KaiKai | 309750 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kikikai,gmode: | |
Emux | kingdmgp | Kingdom Grandprix | 597965 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kingdmgp,gmode: | |
Emux | kingofb | King of Boxer | 1428000 | BAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kingofb,gmode: | |
Emux | kinst | Killer Instinct {BOUT:1} | 19248494 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kinst,gmode:1 | |
Emux | kizuna | Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle | 271100 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kizuna,gmode: | |
Emux | klax | Klax {wave:11} | 1206195 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_klax,gmode:3 | |
Emux | kncljoe | Knuckle Joe | 114250 | PXT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kncljoe,gmode: | |
Emux | knights | Knights Of The Round | 452040 | DAQ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_knights,gmode: | |
Emux | kod | The King Of Dragons | 3736100 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kod,gmode: | |
Emux | kof2000 | The King of Fighters 2000 | 597 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof2000,gmode: | |
Emux | kof2001 | The King of Fighters 2001 | 168500 | SAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof2001,gmode: | |
Emux | kof94 | The King of Fighters 94 | 273180 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof94,gmode: | |
Emux | kof95 | The King of Fighters 95 | 130120 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof95,gmode: | |
Emux | kof96 | The King of Fighters 96 | 250400 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof96,gmode: | |
Emux | kof97 | The King of Fighters 97 | 174800 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof97,gmode: | |
Emux | kof98 | The King Of Fighters 98 - The Slugfest | 233100 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof98,gmode: | |
Emux | kof99 | The King of Fighters 99 - Millennium Battle | 1003 | FAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kof99,gmode: | |
Emux | kov | Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki | 406300 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kov,gmode: | |
Emux | kungfum | Kung-Fu Master | 507850 | PXT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_kungfum,gmode: | |
Emux | ladybug | Lady Bug | 197180 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ladybug,gmode: | |
Emux | ladykill | Lady Killer | 254100 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ladykill,gmode: | |
Emux | landmakr | Landmaker | 38719990 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_landmakr,gmode: | |
Emux | lasso | Lasso | 223500 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lasso,gmode: | |
Emux | lastblad | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman | 806100 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lastblad,gmode: | |
Emux | lastbld2 | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman | 533200 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lastbld2,gmode: | |
Emux | lastday | The Last Day | 1127730 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lastday,gmode: | |
Emux | lastfort | Last Fortress - Toride | 825500 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lastfort,gmode: | |
Emux | ldrun | Lode Runner | 567680 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ldrun,gmode: | |
Emux | ldrun2 | Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back | 248290 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ldrun2,gmode: | |
Emux | ldrun3 | Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth | 281810 | POW | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ldrun3,gmode: | |
Emux | ldrun4 | Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu | 302760 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ldrun4,gmode: | |
Emux | legend | Legend | 45570 | KAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_legend,gmode: | |
Emux | lemmings | Lemmings | 235 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lemmings,gmode: | |
Emux | lethalen | Lethal Enforcers | 3333 | SUD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lethalen,gmode: | |
Emux | lethalth | Lethal Thunder | 6682760 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lethalth,gmode: | |
Emux | lgtnfght | Lightning Fighters | 702880 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lgtnfght,gmode: | |
Emux | liberate | Liberation | 132720 | SUD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_liberate,gmode: | |
Emux | liquidk | Liquid Kids | 986200 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_liquidk,gmode: | |
Emux | lkage | The Legend of Kage | 2291500 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lkage,gmode: | |
Emux | llander | Lunar Lander | 2155 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_llander,gmode: | |
Emux | lnc | LocknChase | 23180 | YAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lnc,gmode: | |
Emux | locomotn | Loco-Motion | 23490 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_locomotn,gmode: | |
Emux | logicpr2 | Logic Pro 2 | 29735 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_logicpr2,gmode: | |
Emux | logicpro | Logic Pro | 46172 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_logicpro,gmode: | |
Emux | loht | Legend of Hero Tonma | 318400 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_loht,gmode: | |
Emux | lomakai | Legend Of Makai | 14350200 | C23 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lomakai,gmode: | |
Emux | lotlot | Lot Lot | 156600 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lotlot,gmode: | |
Emux | lrescue | Lunar Rescue | 21940 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lrescue,gmode: | |
Emux | lresort | Last Resort | 349400 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lresort,gmode: | |
Emux | lvgirl94 | Las Vegas Girl {easy} | 373400 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lvgirl94,gmode:1 | |
Emux | lwings | Legendary Wings | 147700 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_lwings,gmode: | |
Emux | macross | Super Spacefortress Macross | 2738000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_macross,gmode: | |
Emux | macrossp | Macross Plus | 531100 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_macrossp,gmode: | |
Emux | madgear | Mad Gear | 6666392 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_madgear,gmode: | |
Emux | madshark | Mad Shark | 2434240 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_madshark,gmode: | |
Emux | magdrop2 | Magical Drop II {puzzle} | 1084914 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_magdrop2,gmode:1 | |
Emux | magdrop3 | Magical Drop III {survival} | 2035640 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_magdrop3,gmode:1 | |
Emux | magix | Magix / Rock | 168840 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_magix,gmode: | |
Emux | maglord | Magician Lord | 104020 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_maglord,gmode: | |
Emux | magmax | Magmax | 327800 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_magmax,gmode: | |
Emux | maniacsq | Maniac Square | 390 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_maniacsq,gmode: | |
Emux | manybloc | Many Block | 1500190 | NIK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_manybloc,gmode: | |
Emux | mappy | Mappy | 201680 | BOY | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mappy,gmode: | |
Emux | mariner | Mariner | 293340 | BAC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mariner,gmode: | |
Emux | mario | Mario Bros. | 326380 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mario,gmode: | |
Emux | martmast | Martial Masters | 1388100 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_martmast,gmode: | |
Emux | matmania | Mat Mania | 1511850 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_matmania,gmode: | |
Emux | maxforce | Maximum Force | 70160 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_maxforce,gmode: | |
Emux | mazinger | Mazinger Z | 814150 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mazinger,gmode: | |
Emux | mcatadv | Magical Cat Adventure | 610800 | PEE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mcatadv,gmode: | |
Emux | mechatt | Mechanized Attack | 171270 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mechatt,gmode: | |
Emux | megaman | Mega Man - The Power Battle | 447500 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_megaman,gmode: | |
Emux | megaman2 | Mega Man 2 - The Power Fighters {story 2} | 416000 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_megaman2,gmode:2 | |
Emux | megatack | Megatack | 517000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_megatack,gmode: | |
Emux | mercs | Mercs | 999990 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mercs,gmode: | |
Emux | metafox | Meta Fox | 2316000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_metafox,gmode: | |
Emux | metamrph | Metamorphic Force | 617 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_metamrph,gmode: | |
Emux | metlhawk | Metal Hawk | 4244 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_metlhawk,gmode: | |
Emux | metrocrs | Metro-Cross | 238200 | PXT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_metrocrs,gmode: | |
Emux | mgakuen | Mahjong Gakuen | 226700 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mgakuen,gmode: | |
Emux | mgcrystl | Magical Crystals | 185247 | PIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mgcrystl,gmode: | |
Emux | mia | M.I.A. - Missing in Action | 709100 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mia,gmode: | |
Emux | midres | Midnight Resistance | 1801400 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_midres,gmode: | |
Emux | miexchng | Money Puzzle Exchanger {vsComp} | 1081263 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_miexchng,gmode:1 | |
Emux | mikie | Mikie | 168100 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mikie,gmode: | |
Emux | missile | Missile Command | 4581315 | MOD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_missile,gmode: | |
Emux | missw96 | Miss World 96 (Nude) | 447300 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_missw96,gmode: | |
Emux | mk | Mortal Kombat | 12613500 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mk,gmode: | |
Emux | mmatrix | Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting | 5062572 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mmatrix,gmode: | |
Emux | mmaulers | Monster Maulers | 234250 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mmaulers,gmode: | |
Emux | mnight | Mutant Night | 358970 | KAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mnight,gmode: | |
Emux | mofflott | Maze of Flott | 52700 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mofflott,gmode: | |
Emux | momoko | Momoko 120% | 893100 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_momoko,gmode: | |
Emux | moo | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa | 44160 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_moo,gmode: | |
Emux | mooncrst | Moon Cresta | 177020 | PH7 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mooncrst,gmode: | |
Emux | moonqsr | Moon Quasar | 85640 | WAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_moonqsr,gmode: | |
Emux | mosaic | Mosaic | 83090 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mosaic,gmode: | |
Emux | motos | Motos | 123400 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_motos,gmode: | |
Emux | mouja | Mouja {puzzle} | 1022460 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mouja,gmode:1 | |
Emux | mouser | Mouser | 492400 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mouser,gmode: | |
Emux | mp_col3 | MegaPlay: Columns III | 472 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mp_col3,gmode: | |
Emux | mp_sonic | MegaPlay: Sonic the Hedgehog | 188250 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mp_sonic,gmode: | |
Emux | mpatrol | Moon Patrol | 449850 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mpatrol,gmode: | |
Emux | mplanets | Mad Planets | 68891 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mplanets,gmode: | |
Emux | mrdo | Mr. Do! | 346100 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mrdo,gmode: | |
Emux | mrflea | The Amazing Adventure of Mr. F. Lea | 106500 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mrflea,gmode: | |
Emux | msh | Marvel Super Heroes | 1459400 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_msh,gmode: | |
Emux | mshvsfu | Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter | 1700500 | STA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mshvsfu,gmode: | |
Emux | mslider | Monster Slider | 3133110 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslider,gmode: | |
Emux | mslug | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 | 2490270 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslug,gmode: | |
Emux | mslug2 | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II | 5391060 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslug2,gmode: | |
Emux | mslug3 | Metal Slug 3 | 5983130 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslug3,gmode: | |
Emux | mslug4 | Metal Slug 4 | 3531830 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslug4,gmode: | |
Emux | mslug5 | Metal Slug 5 | 2041310 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslug5,gmode: | |
Emux | mslugx | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 | 5586070 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mslugx,gmode: | |
Emux | mspacman | Ms. Pac-Man | 131710 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mspacman,gmode: | |
Emux | mspacmnf | Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack) | 199750 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mspacmnf,gmode: | |
Emux | mspuzzle | Miss Puzzle | 73300 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mspuzzle,gmode: | |
Emux | msword | Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy | 1994196 | DNS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_msword,gmode: | |
Emux | mtrap | Mouse Trap | 202810 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mtrap,gmode: | https://youtu.be/1QEjMDyCecQ |
Emux | mtwins | Mega Twins | 713620 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mtwins,gmode: | |
Emux | mugsmash | Mug Smashers | 1160300 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mugsmash,gmode: | |
Emux | multchmp | Multi Champ | 612520 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_multchmp,gmode: | |
Emux | mutantf | Mutant Fighter | 272250 | JNE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mutantf,gmode: | |
Emux | mutnat | Mutation Nation | 391100 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mutnat,gmode: | |
Emux | mvscu | Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes | 1680400 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mvscu,gmode: | |
Emux | mwalk | Michael Jacksons Moon Walker | 308950 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mwalk,gmode: | |
Emux | mx5000 | MX5000 | 214200 | POW | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mx5000,gmode: | |
Emux | myhero | My Hero | 1589580 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_myhero,gmode: | |
Emux | mysticri | Mystic Riders | 620400 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mysticri,gmode: | |
Emux | mystwarr | Mystic Warriors | 721540 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_mystwarr,gmode: | |
Emux | nam1975 | NAM-1975 | 262200 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nam1975,gmode: | |
Emux | naname | Naname de Magic! | 379551 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_naname,gmode: | |
Emux | narc | Narc | 2693925 | LPS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_narc,gmode: | |
Emux | nastar | Nastar | 123600 | SAX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nastar,gmode: | |
Emux | nbbatman | Ninja Baseball Batman | 182560 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nbbatman,gmode: | |
Emux | ncombat | Ninja Combat | 5877 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ncombat,gmode: | |
Emux | ncommand | Ninja Commando | 562800 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ncommand,gmode: | |
Emux | ncv1 | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 {galaga:new} | 343330 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ncv1,gmode:1 | |
Emux | nebulray | Nebulas Ray | 645930 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nebulray,gmode: | |
Emux | nemesis | Nemesis | 404900 | PCH | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nemesis,gmode: | |
Emux | nemo | Nemo | 1126800 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nemo,gmode: | |
Emux | neobattl | SD Gundam Neo Battling | 551800 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_neobattl,gmode: | |
Emux | neobombe | Neo Bomberman | 289200 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_neobombe,gmode: | |
Emux | neocup98 | NeoGeo Cup98 - The Road to the Victory {world} | 95601 | LIM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_neocup98,gmode:1 | |
Emux | neodrift | Neo Drif Out - New Technology | 758931 | KNG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_neodrift,gmode: | |
Emux | neomrdo | Neo Mr. Do! | 775250 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_neomrdo,gmode: | |
Emux | newfant | New Fantasia | 2029000 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_newfant,gmode: | |
Emux | news | News | 51040 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_news,gmode: | |
Emux | nibbler | Nibbler | 1912430 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nibbler,gmode: | |
Emux | ninjak | Ninja Kids | 3079440 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ninjak,gmode: | |
Emux | ninjakd2 | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou | 1344890 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ninjakd2,gmode: | |
Emux | ninjamas | Ninja Masters - haoh-ninpo-cho | 3956110 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ninjamas,gmode: | |
Emux | ninjaw | The Ninja Warriors | 87810 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ninjaw,gmode: | |
Emux | nitd | Nightmare in the Dark | 14888100 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nitd,gmode: | |
Emux | nost | Nostradamus | 3378100 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nost,gmode: | |
Emux | nov2001u | Nova 2001 | 1426070 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nov2001u,gmode: | |
Emux | nrallyx | New Rally X | 242920 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nrallyx,gmode: | |
Emux | nratechu | Neratte Chu | 233100 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nratechu,gmode: | |
Emux | nslasher | Night Slashers | 1118400 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nslasher,gmode: | |
Emux | nspirit | Ninja Spirit | 558300 | FAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nspirit,gmode: | |
Emux | nwarr | Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge | 678800 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nwarr,gmode: | |
Emux | nycaptor | N.Y. Captor | 9999990 | CHZ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nycaptor,gmode: | |
Emux | nyny | New York! New York! | 112470 | PH7 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_nyny,gmode: | |
Emux | offroad | Ironman Stewarts Super Offroad | 2037000 | KOM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_offroad,gmode: | |
Emux | ohmygod | Oh My God! | 535100 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ohmygod,gmode: | |
Emux | omegaf | Omega Fighter | 3195630 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_omegaf,gmode: | |
Emux | oneshot | One Shot One Kill | 461235 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_oneshot,gmode: | |
Emux | opwolf | Operation Wolf | 6568000 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_opwolf,gmode: | |
Emux | opwolf3 | Operation Wolf 3 | 851730 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_opwolf3,gmode: | |
Emux | orunners | Outrunners | 834991 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_orunners,gmode: | |
Emux | oscar | Psycho-Nics Oskar | 364600 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_oscar,gmode: | |
Emux | osman | Osman | 1670380 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_osman,gmode: | |
Emux | othunder | Operation Thunderbolt | 2716630 | WAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_othunder,gmode: | |
Emux | outrun | Out Run | 37333110 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_outrun,gmode: | |
Emux | outzone | Out Zone | 1320480 | RAM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_outzone,gmode: | |
Emux | overtop | Over Top | 987121 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_overtop,gmode: | |
Emux | ozon1 | Ozon I | 56750 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ozon1,gmode: | |
Emux | p47 | P-47 - Phantom Fighter | 1230400 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_p47,gmode: | |
Emux | p47aces | P-47 Aces | 1225480 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_p47aces,gmode: | |
Emux | pacland | Pac-Land | 138330 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pacland,gmode: | |
Emux | pacmania | Pac-Mania | 420040 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pacmania,gmode: | |
Emux | pacnpal | Pac & Pal | 151090 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pacnpal,gmode: | |
Emux | palamed | Palamedes {puzzle} | 120070 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_palamed,gmode:1 | |
Emux | pang | Pang | 3385660 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pang,gmode: | |
Emux | pang3 | Pang! 3 {normal} | 4757300 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pang3,gmode:1 | |
Emux | pangpoms | Pang Poms | 3336000 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pangpoms,gmode: | |
Emux | panic | Space Panic | 38280 | PYR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_panic,gmode: | |
Emux | panicbom | Panic Bomber | 47705 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_panicbom,gmode: | |
Emux | paperboy | Paperboy {easy st.} | 66854 | BLU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_paperboy,gmode:1 | |
Emux | parodius | Parodius DA! | 321000 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_parodius,gmode: | |
Emux | pass | Pass | 989000 | VLA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pass,gmode: | |
Emux | pbaction | Pinball Action | 2281040 | URI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbaction,gmode: | |
Emux | pbancho | Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho {Puzzle} | 973100 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbancho,gmode:1 | |
Emux | pbobbl2n | Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again | 76489520 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbobbl2n,gmode: | |
Emux | pbobble3 | Puzzle Bobble 3 {puzzle} | 105762670 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbobble3,gmode:1 | |
Emux | pbobble4 | Puzzle Bobble 4 {puzzle} | 32401580 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbobble4,gmode:1 | |
Emux | pbobblen | Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move | 18929330 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pbobblen,gmode: | |
Emux | pdrift | Power Drift {Course:C} | 3370985 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pdrift,gmode:2 | |
Emux | peggle | Peggle | 626580 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_peggle,gmode: | |
Emux | penbros | Penguin Brothers | 460160 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_penbros,gmode: | |
Emux | pengo | Pengo | 140030 | LIB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pengo,gmode: | |
Emux | pepper2 | Pepper II | 531010 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pepper2,gmode: | |
Emux | peterpak | Peter Pack-Rat {medium} | 65152 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_peterpak,gmode:2 | |
Emux | phelios | Phelios {hard} | 217500 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_phelios,gmode:2 | |
Emux | phoenix | Phoenix | 328898 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_phoenix,gmode: | |
Emux | photoy2k | Photo Y2K | 707600 | KAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_photoy2k,gmode: | |
Emux | phozon | Phozon | 61060 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_phozon,gmode: | |
Emux | pickin | Pickin | 17400 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pickin,gmode: | |
Emux | pingpong | Ping Pong | 60910 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pingpong,gmode: | |
Emux | pipedrm | Pipe Dream {Course:C} | 3116850 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pipedrm,gmode:3 | |
Emux | pipibibs | Pipi & Bibi / Whoopee !! | 771950 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pipibibs,gmode: | |
Emux | piranha | Piranha | 22950 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_piranha,gmode: | |
Emux | pirates | Pirates | 1209480 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pirates,gmode: | |
Emux | pitfall2 | Pitfall II | 1490430 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pitfall2,gmode: | |
Emux | pitfight | Pit Fighter | 865970 | JNE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pitfight,gmode: | |
Emux | pkunwar | Penguin-Kun Wars | 940250 | LAP | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pkunwar,gmode: | |
Emux | pleiads | Pleiads | 109490 | KOS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pleiads,gmode: | |
Emux | plgirls | Play Girls | 110930 | FUK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_plgirls,gmode: | |
Emux | plotting | Plotting | 95590 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_plotting,gmode: | |
Emux | plusalph | Plus Alpha | 1576200 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_plusalph,gmode: | |
Emux | pnickj | Pnickies | 226000 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pnickj,gmode: | |
Emux | poitto | Poitto! {monster} | 417125 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_poitto,gmode:2 | |
Emux | polepos | Pole Position | 59800 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_polepos,gmode: | |
Emux | pollux | Pollux | 3496800 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pollux,gmode: | |
Emux | ponpoko | Ponpoko | 162790 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ponpoko,gmode: | |
Emux | pooyan | Pooyan | 375150 | WAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pooyan,gmode: | |
Emux | popbingo | Pop Bingo | 534200 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_popbingo,gmode: | |
Emux | popeye | Popeye | 162920 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_popeye,gmode: | |
Emux | popnpop | Pop N Pop {puzzle} | 848500 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_popnpop,gmode:1 | |
Emux | potopoto | Poto Poto | 12949441 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_potopoto,gmode: | |
Emux | pow | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War | 240950 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pow,gmode: | |
Emux | prehisle | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 | 412500 | MSH | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_prehisle,gmode: | |
Emux | preisle2 | Prehistoric Isle 2 | 48576600 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_preisle2,gmode: | |
Emux | progear | Progear | 11612940 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_progear,gmode: | |
Emux | pspikes | Power Spikes | 127360 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pspikes,gmode: | |
Emux | psychic5 | Psychic 5 | 9079800 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_psychic5,gmode: | |
Emux | psychos | Psycho Soldier | 399100 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_psychos,gmode: | |
Emux | ptblank | Point Blank {beginner} | 160588 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ptblank,gmode:1 | |
Emux | ptblank2 | Point Blank 2 {beginner} | 118593 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ptblank2,gmode:1 | |
Emux | puckman | PuckMan | 189780 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puckman,gmode: | |
Emux | puckpkmn | Puckman Pockimon | 158070 | YAK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puckpkmn,gmode: | |
Emux | pulirula | Pulirula | 95840 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pulirula,gmode: | |
Emux | punisher | The Punisher | 9741000 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_punisher,gmode: | |
Emux | pururun | Pururun | 987300 | WIL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pururun,gmode: | |
Emux | puyo | Puyo Puyo | 130727 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puyo,gmode: | |
Emux | puyopuy2 | Puyo Puyo 2 | 115363 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puyopuy2,gmode: | |
Emux | puzlclub | Puzzle Club {adult} | 1003300 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzlclub,gmode:2 | |
Emux | puzldama | Taisen Puzzle-dama {hard} | 837000 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzldama,gmode:3 | |
Emux | puzzledp | Puzzle De Pon! | 7834002 | IFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzzledp,gmode: | |
Emux | puzzli | Puzzli | 733900 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzzli,gmode: | |
Emux | puzzloop | Puzz Loop {stage} | 1860790 | LIB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzzloop,gmode:2 | |
Emux | puzznic | Puzznic | 5165200 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_puzznic,gmode: | |
Emux | pzlbowl | Puzzle de Bowling {puzzle:hard} | 3841650 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pzlbowl,gmode:2 | |
Emux | pzloop2j | Puzz Loop 2 {balls} | 37885524 | LIB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_pzloop2j,gmode:3 | |
Emux | qad | Quiz & Dragons | 415500 | PIN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_qad,gmode: | |
Emux | qbert | Q*bert | 4003510 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_qbert,gmode: | |
Emux | qix | Qix | 67774 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_qix,gmode: | |
Emux | rabiolep | Rabio Lepus {normal} | 1497200 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rabiolep,gmode:2 | |
Emux | radarscp | Radar Scope | 49750 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_radarscp,gmode: | |
Emux | radarzon | Radar Zone | 143700 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_radarzon,gmode: | |
Emux | radr | Rad Rally {Course:1} | 4254302 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_radr,gmode:1 | |
Emux | radrad | Radical Radial | 290000 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_radrad,gmode: | |
Emux | raiden | Raiden | 1657080 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_raiden,gmode: | |
Emux | raiders5 | Raiders5 | 138230 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_raiders5,gmode: | |
Emux | rainbow | Rainbow Islands | 5293070 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rainbow,gmode: | |
Emux | rallybik | Rally Bike / Dash Yarou | 180220 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rallybik,gmode: | |
Emux | rambo3ae | Rambo III | 7829490 | DAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rambo3ae,gmode: | |
Emux | rampage | Rampage | 163450 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rampage,gmode: | |
Emux | rampart | Rampart {veteran} | 11609 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rampart,gmode:2 | |
Emux | raphero | Rapid Hero | 1782440 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_raphero,gmode: | |
Emux | rastan | Rastan | 517300 | DED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rastan,gmode: | |
Emux | raystorm | Ray Storm | 1128300 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_raystorm,gmode: | |
Emux | rdft | Raiden Fighters | 13694030 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rdft,gmode: | |
Emux | rdft2 | Raiden Fighters 2 | 47343170 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rdft2,gmode: | |
Emux | recalh | Recalhorn | 1410810 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_recalh,gmode: | |
Emux | redbaron | Red Baron | 9950 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_redbaron,gmode: | |
Emux | redufo | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO | 39460 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_redufo,gmode: | |
Emux | renegade | Renegade | 678100 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_renegade,gmode: | |
Emux | renju | Renju Kizoku {normal} | 788000 | ZEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_renju,gmode:2 | |
Emux | retofinv | Return of the Invaders | 3038400 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_retofinv,gmode: | |
Emux | rezon | Rezon | 115700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rezon,gmode: | |
Emux | rfjet | Raiden Fighters Jet | 66468212 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rfjet,gmode: | |
Emux | ribbit | Ribbit! | 1337 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ribbit,gmode: | |
Emux | ringdest | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II | 550500 | SAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ringdest,gmode: | |
Emux | riotcity | Riot City | 893250 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_riotcity,gmode: | |
Emux | rmpgwt | Rampage: World Tour | 220200 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rmpgwt,gmode: | |
Emux | roadblst | Road Blasters {expert} | 315490 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_roadblst,gmode:3 | |
Emux | roadrunn | Road Runner | 173390 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_roadrunn,gmode: | |
Emux | roboarmy | Robo Army | 60200 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_roboarmy,gmode: | |
Emux | robocop | Robocop | 4252800 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_robocop,gmode: | |
Emux | robocop2 | Robocop 2 | 1290000 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_robocop2,gmode: | |
Emux | rockrage | Rockn Rage | 9999900 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rockrage,gmode: | |
Emux | rocnrope | Rocn Rope | 245310 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rocnrope,gmode: | |
Emux | rodland | Rod-Land | 560400 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rodland,gmode: | |
Emux | rompers | Rompers | 382630 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rompers,gmode: | |
Emux | rongrong | Rong Rong {SexyGirls} | 161000 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rongrong,gmode:1 | |
Emux | rotd | Rage of the Dragons | 115300 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rotd,gmode: | |
Emux | roughrac | Rough Racer | 41600 | KOM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_roughrac,gmode: | |
Emux | rpatrolb | River Patrol | 790300 | PIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rpatrolb,gmode: | |
Emux | rranger | Rough Ranger | 224500 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rranger,gmode: | |
Emux | rshark | R-Shark {amateur} | 1211900 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rshark,gmode:1 | |
Emux | rthunder | Rolling Thunder | 302400 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rthunder,gmode: | |
Emux | rtype2 | R-Type II | 801100 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rtype2,gmode: | |
Emux | rtypeleo | R-Type Leo | 3178080 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rtypeleo,gmode: | |
Emux | rtypeu | R-Type | 1463900 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rtypeu,gmode: | |
Emux | rygar | Rygar | 6719710 | 3D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_rygar,gmode: | |
Emux | ryujin | Ryu Jin | 756560 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ryujin,gmode: | |
Emux | s1945 | Strikers 1945 | 789400 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_s1945,gmode: | |
Emux | s1945ii | Strikers 1945 II | 976900 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_s1945ii,gmode: | |
Emux | s1945iii | Strikers 1945 III / Strikers 1999 | 802300 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_s1945iii,gmode: | |
Emux | s1945p | Strikers 1945 Plus | 560700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_s1945p,gmode: | |
Emux | sabotenb | Saboten Bombers | 14137800 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sabotenb,gmode: | |
Emux | sadari | Sadari | 12380 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sadari,gmode: | |
Emux | sailormn | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon | 289300 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sailormn,gmode: | |
Emux | salamand | Salamander | 854000 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_salamand,gmode: | |
Emux | salmndr2 | Salamander 2 | 294700 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_salmndr2,gmode: | |
Emux | samsho | Samurai Shodown | 465410 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_samsho,gmode: | |
Emux | samsho2 | Samurai Shodown II | 197360 | SGS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_samsho2,gmode: | |
Emux | samsho3 | Samurai Shodown III | 266200 | ERI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_samsho3,gmode: | |
Emux | samsho4 | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusas Revenge | 2845620 | RAV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_samsho4,gmode: | |
Emux | sandscrp | Sand Scorpion | 2129300 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sandscrp,gmode: | |
Emux | satansat | Satan of Saturn | 68500 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_satansat,gmode: | |
Emux | saturn | Saturn | 79010 | SDI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_saturn,gmode: | |
Emux | savagere | Savage Reign / Fuun Mokushiroku | 212100 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_savagere,gmode: | |
Emux | sbagman | Super Bagman | 85120 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sbagman,gmode: | |
Emux | sbasketb | Super Basketball | 1383620 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sbasketb,gmode: | |
Emux | sbomberb | Space Bomber | 2563500 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sbomberb,gmode: | |
Emux | schaser | Space Chaser | 27210 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_schaser,gmode: | https://youtu.be/jozAor1vbac |
Emux | schmeisr | Schmeiser Robo | 151600 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_schmeisr,gmode: | |
Emux | sci | Special Criminal Investigation | 9350120 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sci,gmode: | |
Emux | scobra | Super Cobra | 87390 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_scobra,gmode: | |
Emux | scontra | Super Contra | 10650500 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_scontra,gmode: | |
Emux | scramble | Scramble | 473060 | KOS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_scramble,gmode: | |
Emux | scregg | Scrambled Egg | 567970 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_scregg,gmode: | |
Emux | sdi | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative | 48840 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sdi,gmode: | |
Emux | searchar | SAR - Search And Rescue | 153330 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_searchar,gmode: | |
Emux | searchey | Search Eye | 707 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_searchey,gmode: | |
Emux | searchp2 | Search Eye Plus V2.0 {4-items} | 435 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_searchp2,gmode:1 | |
Emux | seawolf | Sea Wolf | 11500 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_seawolf,gmode: | |
Emux | seawolf2 | Sea Wolf II | 21600 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_seawolf2,gmode: | |
Emux | sectionz | Section Z | 154660 | KWB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sectionz,gmode: | |
Emux | seicross | Seicross | 165220 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_seicross,gmode: | |
Emux | sengekis | Sengeki Striker | 142829260 | WAR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sengekis,gmode: | |
Emux | sengoku | Sengoku | 88500 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sengoku,gmode: | |
Emux | sengoku2 | Sengoku 2 | 194900 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sengoku2,gmode: | |
Emux | sengoku3 | Sengoku 3 | 733100 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sengoku3,gmode: | |
Emux | senjyo | Senjyo | 200700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_senjyo,gmode: | |
Emux | senknow | Sen-Know {evolution} | 11819895 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_senknow,gmode:2 | |
Emux | sexyparo | Sexy Parodius | 461300 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sexyparo,gmode: | |
Emux | sf | Street Fighter | 608500 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sf,gmode: | |
Emux | sf2 | Street Fighter II - The World Warrior | 1226600 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sf2,gmode: | |
Emux | sf2ce | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition | 1352500 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sf2ce,gmode: | |
Emux | sf2tj | Street Fighter II - Hyper Fighting | 807600 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sf2tj,gmode: | |
Emux | sfa | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams | 1287500 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sfa,gmode: | |
Emux | sfa2 | Street Fighter Alpha 2 | 1165500 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sfa2,gmode: | |
Emux | sfa3 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 | 2033300 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sfa3,gmode: | |
Emux | sftm | Street Fighter: The Movie | 688913 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sftm,gmode: | |
Emux | sgemf | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix | 1431100 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sgemf,gmode: | |
Emux | shadfrce | Shadow Force | 143930 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shadfrce,gmode: | |
Emux | shangha2 | Shanghai II | 1206 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shangha2,gmode: | |
Emux | shangha3 | Shanghai III | 103600 | WIL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shangha3,gmode: | |
Emux | shanghai | Shanghai | 986 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shanghai,gmode: | |
Emux | shangon | Super Hang-On {beginner} | 21743230 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shangon,gmode:1 | |
Emux | shdancer | Shadow Dancer | 1606900 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shdancer,gmode: | |
Emux | shinobi | Shinobi | 632600 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shinobi,gmode: | |
Emux | shngmtkb | Shanghai Matekibuyuu {classic} | 23600 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shngmtkb,gmode:1 | |
Emux | shocking | Shocking | 43170 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shocking,gmode: | |
Emux | shocktr2 | Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad | 5339090 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shocktr2,gmode: | |
Emux | shocktro | Shock Troopers | 19343300 | KOC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shocktro,gmode: | |
Emux | shollow | Satans Hollow | 221850 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shollow,gmode: | |
Emux | shootout | Shoot Out | 511342 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_shootout,gmode: | |
Emux | sichuan2 | Sichuan II | 958 | PRE | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sichuan2,gmode: | |
Emux | sidearms | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne | 1798700 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sidearms,gmode: | |
Emux | silentd | Silent Dragon | 3462700 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_silentd,gmode: | |
Emux | silkroad | The Legend of Silkroad | 803300 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_silkroad,gmode: | |
Emux | silkworm | Silk Worm {jeep} | 2349000 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_silkworm,gmode:2 | |
Emux | simpsn2p | The Simpsons (2 Players) | 221 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_simpsn2p,gmode: | |
Emux | sindbadm | Sindbad Mystery | 28750 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sindbadm,gmode: | |
Emux | skullxbo | Skull & Crossbones | 1102 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skullxbo,gmode: | |
Emux | skyalert | Sky Alert | 740450 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skyalert,gmode: | |
Emux | skyfox | Sky Fox | 530600 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skyfox,gmode: | |
Emux | skykid | Sky Kid | 253530 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skykid,gmode: | |
Emux | skylancr | Sky Lancer | 200700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skylancr,gmode: | |
Emux | skysoldr | Sky Soldiers | 2373790 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_skysoldr,gmode: | |
Emux | slammast | Saturday Night Slam Masters {team battle royal} | 305600 | SOP | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_slammast,gmode:2 | |
Emux | slapbtuk | Slap Fight (bootleg) | 1547830 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_slapbtuk,gmode: | |
Emux | slyspy | Sly Spy | 1033600 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_slyspy,gmode: | |
Emux | smashtv | Smash T.V. | 4606240 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_smashtv,gmode: | |
Emux | smgp | Super Monaco GP | 2339 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_smgp,gmode: | |
Emux | snakjack | Snacksn Jaxson | 74150 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_snakjack,gmode: | |
Emux | sncwgltd | Sonic Wings Limited | 771500 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sncwgltd,gmode: | |
Emux | sngkace | Sengoku Ace | 1017600 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sngkace,gmode: | |
Emux | snowbro2 | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise | 4732950 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_snowbro2,gmode: | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X01vzqYr5RI |
Emux | snowbro3 | Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure | 1870060 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_snowbro3,gmode: | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_MyWhFBKIY |
Emux | snowbros | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom | 2612860 | SOP | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_snowbros,gmode: | |
Emux | soldamj | Soldam {hard} | 2205290 | PYR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_soldamj,gmode:3 | |
Emux | solfigtr | Solitary Fighter | 1823140 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_solfigtr,gmode: | |
Emux | solomon | Solomons Key | 10664094 | HOG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_solomon,gmode: | |
Emux | sonicwi2 | Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 | 949100 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sonicwi2,gmode: | |
Emux | sonicwi3 | Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 | 1754600 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sonicwi3,gmode: | |
Emux | sonofphx | Son Of Phoenix | 565090 | TUR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sonofphx,gmode: | |
Emux | sonson | Son Son | 526970 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sonson,gmode: | |
Emux | spacefb | Space Firebird | 10800 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spacefb,gmode: | |
Emux | spang | Super Pang {tour} | 7394130 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spang,gmode:2 | |
Emux | sparkz | Sparkz (prototype) | 53489047 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sparkz,gmode: | |
Emux | spatter | Spatter | 386310 | JIT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spatter,gmode: | |
Emux | spcenctr | Space Encounters | 81744 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spcenctr,gmode: | |
Emux | spdcoin | Speed Coin | 1540450 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spdcoin,gmode: | |
Emux | speakres | Speak & Rescue | 43650 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_speakres,gmode: | |
Emux | speedbal | Speed Ball | 1548870 | WAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_speedbal,gmode: | |
Emux | spelunkr | Spelunker | 295500 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spelunkr,gmode: | |
Emux | spf2t | Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo {normal} | 330280 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spf2t,gmode:2 | |
Emux | spiders | Spiders | 127900 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spiders,gmode: | |
Emux | spidman | Spiderman | 322980 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spidman,gmode: | |
Emux | spinlbrk | Spinal Breakers | 1202930 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spinlbrk,gmode: | |
Emux | spinmast | Spin Masters / Miracle Adventure | 724400 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spinmast,gmode: | |
Emux | splash | Splash! | 1031080 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_splash,gmode: | |
Emux | splatter | Splatter House | 193300 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_splatter,gmode: | |
Emux | sprint1 | Sprint (1 player) | 228 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sprint1,gmode: | |
Emux | sprtmtch | Sports Match | 740 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sprtmtch,gmode: | |
Emux | spy | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y | 45100 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spy,gmode: | |
Emux | spyhunt | Spy Hunter | 48885 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_spyhunt,gmode: | |
Emux | sqix | Super Qix | 101930 | KB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sqix,gmode: | |
Emux | srumbler | The Speed Rumbler | 460300 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_srumbler,gmode: | |
Emux | ssf2 | Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers | 1387200 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssf2,gmode: | |
Emux | ssf2t | Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo | 1738300 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssf2t,gmode: | |
Emux | ssi | Super Space Invaders 91 | 439390 | MOD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssi,gmode: | |
Emux | ssideki2 | Super Sidekicks 2 - World Championship {s. america} | 47900 | FUK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssideki2,gmode:5 | |
Emux | ssmissin | S.S. Mission | 1628700 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssmissin,gmode: | |
Emux | sspirits | Scramble Spirits | 1172670 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sspirits,gmode: | |
Emux | ssprint | Super Sprint | 21390 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssprint,gmode: | |
Emux | ssrdrebd | Sunset Riders | 1023310 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ssrdrebd,gmode: | |
Emux | sstingry | Super Stingray | 4096300 | C23 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_sstingry,gmode: | |
Emux | stakwin | Stakes Winner - GI kinzen seihae no michi | 10699000 | KNG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stakwin,gmode: | |
Emux | stakwin2 | Stakes Winner 2 | 4809000 | KNG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stakwin2,gmode: | |
Emux | starcas | Star Castle | 9660 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_starcas,gmode: | |
Emux | starforc | Star Force | 1864500 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_starforc,gmode: | |
Emux | stargate | Stargate | 36300 | PIN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stargate,gmode: | |
Emux | starswep | Star Sweep | 226200 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_starswep,gmode: | |
Emux | starwars | Star Wars | 139909 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_starwars,gmode: | |
Emux | stdragon | Saint Dragon | 688800 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stdragon,gmode: | |
Emux | stinger | Stinger | 1983980 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stinger,gmode: | |
Emux | stkclmns | Stack Columns | 144684 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stkclmns,gmode: | |
Emux | stlforce | Steel Force | 146040 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stlforce,gmode: | |
Emux | stmblade | Storm Blade | 1533320 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stmblade,gmode: | |
Emux | stratof | Raiga - Strato Fighter | 886490 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stratof,gmode: | |
Emux | streetsm | Street Smart | 2139000 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_streetsm,gmode: | |
Emux | strhoop | Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dum Dream | 175500 | BLB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_strhoop,gmode: | |
Emux | strider | Strider | 120750 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_strider,gmode: | |
Emux | strkforc | Strike Force | 137200 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_strkforc,gmode: | https://youtu.be/RVYkZuMt6i8 |
Emux | stunrun | S.T.U.N. Runner {advanced} | 163120 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_stunrun,gmode:3 | |
Emux | supbtime | Super Burger Time | 523300 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_supbtime,gmode: | |
Emux | superchs | Super Chase - Criminal Termination | 3089990 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_superchs,gmode: | |
Emux | superman | Superman | 849100 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_superman,gmode: | |
Emux | superpac | Super Pac-Man | 223200 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_superpac,gmode: | |
Emux | superspy | The Super Spy | 40700 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_superspy,gmode: | |
Emux | superx | Super-X | 1238200 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_superx,gmode: | |
Emux | suprglob | Super Glob | 69225 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_suprglob,gmode: | |
Emux | suprloco | Super Locomotive | 184924 | DAN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_suprloco,gmode: | |
Emux | suprmrio | Vs. Super Mario Bros. | 1456400 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_suprmrio,gmode: | |
Emux | suprtrio | Super Trio | 184300 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_suprtrio,gmode: | |
Emux | suratk | Surprise Attack | 261160 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_suratk,gmode: | |
Emux | susume | Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama {hard} | 87950 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_susume,gmode:3 | |
Emux | svolleyu | Super Volleyball | 66600 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_svolleyu,gmode: | |
Emux | swimmer | Swimmer | 112370 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_swimmer,gmode: | |
Emux | tankfrce | Tank Force | 613000 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tankfrce,gmode: | |
Emux | tapper | Tapper | 283775 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tapper,gmode: | |
Emux | targ | Targ | 24180 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_targ,gmode: | |
Emux | tazmania | Tazz-Mania | 74170 | BAC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tazmania,gmode: | |
Emux | tceptor | Thunder Ceptor | 187340 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tceptor,gmode: | |
Emux | tcobra2 | Twin Cobra 2 | 10201290 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tcobra2,gmode: | |
Emux | tdragon | Thunder Dragon | 1919600 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tdragon,gmode: | |
Emux | tdragon2 | Thunder Dragon 2 | 2107670 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tdragon2,gmode: | |
Emux | teddybb | TeddyBoy Blues | 867840 | RIX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_teddybb,gmode: | |
Emux | tekipaki | Teki Paki | 1217620 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tekipaki,gmode: | |
Emux | tekken | Tekken | 4682721 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tekken,gmode: | |
Emux | tekken2 | Tekken 2 Ver.B | 5020141 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tekken2,gmode: | |
Emux | tempest | Tempest | 62224 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tempest,gmode: | |
Emux | tengai | Tengai / Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II | 825700 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tengai,gmode: | |
Emux | term2 | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day | 2280250 | DNS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_term2,gmode: | |
Emux | terracre | Terra Cresta | 300000 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_terracre,gmode: | |
Emux | terraf | Terra Force | 1026300 | DAB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_terraf,gmode: | |
Emux | tetris | Tetris (Sega) | 476881 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tetris,gmode: | |
Emux | tetrisp | Tetris Plus {puzzle} | 321500 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tetrisp,gmode:2 | |
Emux | tetrisp2 | Tetris Plus 2 | 1790500 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tetrisp2,gmode: | |
Emux | tfrceac | ThunderForce AC | 321110 | POW | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tfrceac,gmode: | |
Emux | tgmj | Tetris The Grand Master | 284950 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tgmj,gmode: | |
Emux | tharrier | Task Force Harrier | 5800100 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tharrier,gmode: | |
Emux | thepit | The Pit | 199100 | VLK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thepit,gmode: | |
Emux | thndrx2 | Thunder Cross II | 767530 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thndrx2,gmode: | |
Emux | thndzone | Thunder Zone | 2264 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thndzone,gmode: | |
Emux | thoop | Thunder Hoop | 391500 | YKA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thoop,gmode: | |
Emux | thunderj | ThunderJaws | 439257 | GOK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thunderj,gmode: | |
Emux | thunderx | Thunder Cross | 2210180 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thunderx,gmode: | |
Emux | thundfox | Thunder Fox | 1181200 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_thundfox,gmode: | |
Emux | tickee | Tickee Tickats | 1750 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tickee,gmode: | |
Emux | tigerhb1 | Tiger Heli (bootleg 1) | 190950 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tigerhb1,gmode: | |
Emux | tigeroad | Tiger Road | 58590 | PXC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tigeroad,gmode: | |
Emux | timber | Timber | 293830 | ULM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_timber,gmode: | |
Emux | timekill | Time Killers | 129348 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_timekill,gmode: | |
Emux | timeplt | Time Pilot | 1008000 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_timeplt,gmode: | |
Emux | timesold | Time Soldiers | 1979300 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_timesold,gmode: | |
Emux | tinklpit | Tinkle Pit | 1204630 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tinklpit,gmode: | |
Emux | tkmmpzdm | Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-dama {hard} | 843300 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tkmmpzdm,gmode:3 | |
Emux | tmnt22pu | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles In Time | 258 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tmnt22pu,gmode: | |
Emux | tmnt2po | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 444 | DAQ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tmnt2po,gmode: | |
Emux | tndrcade | Thundercade - Twin Formation | 10028700 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tndrcade,gmode: | |
Emux | tnzs | The New Zealand Story | 166100 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tnzs,gmode: | |
Emux | toki | Toki | 295600 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_toki,gmode: | |
Emux | tokiob | Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg) | 1565600 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tokiob,gmode: | |
Emux | tokkae | Taisen Tokkae-dama {hard} | 1191300 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tokkae,gmode:3 | |
Emux | toobin | Toobin | 659858 | ZNC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_toobin,gmode: | |
Emux | tophuntr | Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy | 593800 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tophuntr,gmode: | |
Emux | topspeed | Top Speed | 657540 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_topspeed,gmode: | |
Emux | toryumon | Toryumon | 82920 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_toryumon,gmode: | |
Emux | totcarn | Total Carnage | 182998 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_totcarn,gmode: | |
Emux | toutrun | Turbo Out Run | 45242330 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_toutrun,gmode: | |
Emux | trackfld | Track & Field | 1012510 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_trackfld,gmode: | |
Emux | trally | Thrash Rally {DakarParis} | 858571 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_trally,gmode:2 | |
Emux | travrusa | Traverse USA / Zippy Race | 1061500 | LOZ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_travrusa,gmode: | |
Emux | triplep | Triple Punch | 216170 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_triplep,gmode: | |
Emux | triplfun | Triple Fun | 189200 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_triplfun,gmode: | |
Emux | trog | Trog | 6710392 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_trog,gmode: | |
Emux | trojan | Trojan | 316650 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_trojan,gmode: | |
Emux | truxton | Truxton / Tatsujin | 409820 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_truxton,gmode: | |
Emux | truxton2 | Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh | 571990 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_truxton2,gmode: | |
Emux | tshingna | Shingen Samurai-Fighter | 124500 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tshingna,gmode: | |
Emux | tubep | Tube Panic | 118839 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tubep,gmode: | |
Emux | tumblep | Tumble Pop | 1147600 | KEN | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tumblep,gmode: | |
Emux | tunhunt | Tunnel Hunt | 124650 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tunhunt,gmode: | |
Emux | turbofrc | Turbo Force | 484200 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_turbofrc,gmode: | |
Emux | turfmast | Neo Turf Masters {Germany} | 208301 | NLY | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_turfmast,gmode:1 | |
Emux | turtles | Turtles | 31180 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_turtles,gmode: | |
Emux | tutankhm | Tutankham | 72000 | DAX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_tutankhm,gmode: | |
Emux | twincobr | Twin Cobra | 1801830 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_twincobr,gmode: | |
Emux | twineag2 | Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission | 996100 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_twineag2,gmode: | |
Emux | twineagl | Twin Eagle - Revenge Joes Brother | 1413400 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_twineagl,gmode: | |
Emux | twinfalc | Twin Falcons | 514550 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_twinfalc,gmode: | |
Emux | uballoon | Ultra Balloon | 3026600 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_uballoon,gmode: | |
Emux | uccops | Undercover Cops | 904459 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_uccops,gmode: | |
Emux | ultrax | Ultra X Weapons | 6060800 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_ultrax,gmode: | |
Emux | umanclub | Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai! | 755700 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_umanclub,gmode: | |
Emux | unsquad | U.N. Squadron | 1471920 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_unsquad,gmode: | |
Emux | uopoko | Uo Poko | 2638800 | LIB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_uopoko,gmode: | |
Emux | upndown | Upn Down | 87180 | MAP | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_upndown,gmode: | |
Emux | utoukond | Ultra Toukon Densetsu | 377900 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_utoukond,gmode: | |
Emux | valtric | Valtric | 109860 | MTL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_valtric,gmode: | |
Emux | vandyke | Vandyke | 1616920 | A27 | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vandyke,gmode: | |
Emux | vanguard | Vanguard | 143960 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vanguard,gmode: | |
Emux | vanvan | Van-Van Car | 367650 | OBR | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vanvan,gmode: | |
Emux | vaportra | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation | 514390 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vaportra,gmode: | |
Emux | varth | Varth - Operation Thunderstorm | 3362800 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_varth,gmode: | |
Emux | vasara | Vasara | 768320 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vasara,gmode: | |
Emux | vasara2 | Vasara 2 | 4056380 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vasara2,gmode: | |
Emux | vastar | Vastar | 88730 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vastar,gmode: | |
Emux | vendetas | Vendetta | 1096 | WES | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vendetas,gmode: | |
Emux | vhunt2 | Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge | 685300 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vhunt2,gmode: | |
Emux | victroad | Victory Road | 111850 | HOG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_victroad,gmode: | |
Emux | viewpoin | Viewpoint | 232250 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_viewpoin,gmode: | |
Emux | vigilant | Vigilante | 508910 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vigilant,gmode: | |
Emux | vimana | Vimana | 2196050 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vimana,gmode: | |
Emux | viostorm | Violent Storm | 4384600 | MSX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_viostorm,gmode: | |
Emux | viprp1 | Viper Phase 1 | 4741262 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_viprp1,gmode: | |
Emux | vmetal | Varia Metal | 410230 | JMV | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vmetal,gmode: | |
Emux | volfied | Volfied | 9999990 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_volfied,gmode: | https://youtu.be/owPVUkCgOu8 |
Emux | vsav | Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire | 670200 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vsav,gmode: | |
Emux | vsav2 | Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire | 647800 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vsav2,gmode: | |
Emux | vsfdf | Vs. Freedom Force | 104761 | POU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vsfdf,gmode: | |
Emux | vsgshoe | Vs. Gumshoe | 29800 | ZET | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vsgshoe,gmode: | |
Emux | vspinbal | Vs. Pinball | 617310 | BUL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vspinbal,gmode: | |
Emux | vstetris | Vs. Tetris | 626160 | HAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vstetris,gmode: | |
Emux | vulcan | Vulcan Venture | 184800 | FAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vulcan,gmode: | |
Emux | vulgus | Vulgus | 475950 | XXX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_vulgus,gmode: | |
Emux | wakuwak7 | Waku Waku 7 | 441600 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wakuwak7,gmode: | |
Emux | wardner | Wardner | 3615480 | LEX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wardner,gmode: | |
Emux | warlords | Warlords | 94250 | UFF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_warlords,gmode: | |
Emux | warpwarp | Warp & Warp | 88130 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_warpwarp,gmode: | |
Emux | warriorb | Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III | 302680 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_warriorb,gmode: | |
Emux | watrball | Water Balls | 71240 | MEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_watrball,gmode: | |
Emux | wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair | 763820 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wb3,gmode: | |
Emux | wbmlb | Wonder Boy in Monster Land | 2971920 | DRG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wbmlb,gmode: | |
Emux | wboy | Wonder Boy | 729380 | LOZ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wboy,gmode: | |
Emux | wecleman | WEC Le Mans 24 | 289410 | KAI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wecleman,gmode: | |
Emux | welltris | Welltris | 58940 | SIL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_welltris,gmode: | |
Emux | wgpjoy | World Grand Prix | 2316151 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wgpjoy,gmode: | |
Emux | wh1 | World Heroes {normal} | 1502900 | FAT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wh1,gmode:1 | |
Emux | wh2 | World Heroes 2 {normal game} | 1465400 | BAB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wh2,gmode:1 | |
Emux | whodunit | Who Dunit | 1884150 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_whodunit,gmode: | |
Emux | whp | World Heroes Perfect | 7683000 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_whp,gmode: | |
Emux | wildfang | Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight | 235350 | DRG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wildfang,gmode: | |
Emux | wildplt | Wild Pilot | 2982100 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wildplt,gmode: | |
Emux | willow | Willow | 105700 | TJJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_willow,gmode: | |
Emux | wits | Wits | 1322030 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wits,gmode: | |
Emux | wiz | Wiz | 267120 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wiz,gmode: | |
Emux | wizdfire | Wizard Fire | 365800 | STU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wizdfire,gmode: | |
Emux | wndrmomo | Wonder Momo | 26800 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wndrmomo,gmode: | |
Emux | wof | Warriors of Fate | 2211700 | VOJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wof,gmode: | |
Emux | worldwar | World Wars | 126730 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_worldwar,gmode: | |
Emux | wwfwfest | WWF WrestleFest | 15433 | BLB | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wwfwfest,gmode: | |
Emux | wwjgtin | Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! | 137400 | LIM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_wwjgtin,gmode: | |
Emux | xevi3dg | Xevious 3D/G | 837050 | PCH | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xevi3dg,gmode: | |
Emux | xevious | Xevious | 368140 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xevious,gmode: | |
Emux | xexex | Xexex | 448500 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xexex,gmode: | |
Emux | xmcota | X-Men: Children of the Atom | 1403800 | WAF | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xmcota,gmode: | |
Emux | xmen | X-Men | 292 | DRI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xmen,gmode: | |
Emux | xmultipl | X Multiply | 2130100 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xmultipl,gmode: | |
Emux | xmvsfr1 | X-Men vs. Street Fighter | 1215500 | EFX | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xmvsfr1,gmode: | |
Emux | xorworld | Xor World {level:1} | 20640 | PED | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xorworld,gmode:1 | |
Emux | xsleena | Xaind Sleena | 9999990 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xsleena,gmode: | |
Emux | xybots | Xybots | 158000 | BLU | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_xybots,gmode: | |
Emux | yamato2 | Yamato | 86850 | VK | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_yamato2,gmode: | |
Emux | yamyam | Yam Yam!? | 966100 | URI | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_yamyam,gmode: | |
Emux | yiear | Yie Ar Kung-Fu | 1304100 | LBS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_yiear,gmode: | |
Emux | zaviga | Zaviga | 124748 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zaviga,gmode: | |
Emux | zaxxon | Zaxxon | 231300 | GAS | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zaxxon,gmode: | |
Emux | zedblade | Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok | 2538100 | MCM | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zedblade,gmode: | |
Emux | zeropnt | Zero Point {beginner} | 187417 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zeropnt,gmode:2 | |
Emux | zeropnt2 | Zero Point 2 {easy} | 53700 | MAG | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zeropnt2,gmode:1 | |
Emux | zerowing | Zero Wing | 391400 | LEA | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zerowing,gmode: | |
Emux | zerozone | Zero Zone | 379400 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zerozone,gmode: | |
Emux | zigzag | Zig Zag | 111810 | LOZ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zigzag,gmode: | |
Emux | zingzip | Zing Zing Zip | 491270 | SFC | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zingzip,gmode: | |
Emux | zintrckb | Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix | 209110 | DAD | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zintrckb,gmode: | |
Emux | zoar | Zoar | 227530 | J.D | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zoar,gmode: | |
Emux | zombraid | Zombie Raid | 61460 | AGJ | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zombraid,gmode: | |
Emux | zookeep | Zoo Keeper | 279020 | HAL | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zookeep,gmode: | |
Emux | zupapa | Zupapa! | 8467400 | KNT | http://www.emux.esero.net/automaty_hra_romset_zupapa,gmode: | |